Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Getting into nursing school is competitive. It's the elephant in the room that needs to be talked about! It really is competitive. Someone next to you in your A&P class talks about applying to nursing school and you know you feel that little twinge. That twinge where you secretly hope that they don't have as many priority points as you do. The twinge where you just don't want your spot taken away. Competitiveness! Or how about after you take the HESI, TEAS, or Kaplan entrance tests? You compare scores and get secretly excited when your score is higher. Competitiveness!

But there is a secret I need to share with you. It kinda goes away when you get into nursing school. At that point, everyone is in the same boat and there is this camaraderie between you and the rest of your nursing class. When someone drops out and yes, people do drop out, everyone feels sad and wonders what happened. Now, don't get me wrong. There WILL be people who you will not like...at all! But they're in your boat! You can't let someone fall off your boat. And for some reason, you end up being nice to them and helping them when asked. It's all very...interesting. If I had to turn this into an analogy, it's like "Dirty Uncle Sal. The one who embarrasses everyone at holidays and family reunions and who can't be left alone with the teenage girls, but you have to invite him anyway." Ya know, because he is family.Yes, that is a Grey's Anatomy reference.

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