Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Things to Know Before You Start Nursing School!

New Nursing Tips

Buy a planner and use it, even if you're the type to use an electronic calendar. It's a good place to write down assignments until you can transfer it over. Plus, if you can't access your computer or phone, you'll have another place with the information.

ASK QUESTIONS! If you need help, ask your instructors or students in a semester or 2 ahead of you. If you're nervous about asking for help in front of your class, talk to your instructors during their office hours.

Read the chapters before lecture. No really. It helps so much with understanding your lecture content. It will help cement the concepts rather than sounding like Greek to you.

Buy a drug guide with an online/digital version of it. Believe me, it is worth it. You will be doing a lot of drug concept maps and copying and pasting over information saves you tons of time!

Use your lab time! And use it wisely. Remember in chem lab or A&P lab when you were trying to get through it as fast as possible? Yeah, you don't want to do that in your labs. Take the time to practice your skills because you will be tested on them. For instance, inserting catheters is a sterile procedure. One mistake and you have to start all over again. If you're having trouble, ask your instructors to give you tips and tricks.

You might gain weight in nursing school. You spend lots of time sitting and studying. You grab junk because it's faster. You might eat because you're stressed. BUT, you don't have to gain weight. Eat sensibly, pack your lunch on school and clinical days, grab nutrient dense snacks over the crap, and avoid the vending machines at all costs! Also, exercise! It's a great stress relief.

Take care of your whites and by whites, I mean your clinical scrubs. Oxyclean is great for keeping whites white. Bleach can actually make whites look dingy. Use peroxide for blood and hairspray for ink stains. Throwing a damp washcloth in with your scrubs in the dryer can help remove wrinkles! Oh and as for underthings, wear flesh toned undies and bras. They are less likely to show up under your scrubs.

Make friends/be nice with everyone in your nursing class. Even if you don't like them. Why? Well, first of all, you're stuck with them for the next 2 years. And secondly, they might have some awesome studying tips, tricks, notes, etc. Or they'll become part of your study group.

Find a carpool group if you don't live close to your campus. Why? You save on gas/money, it's better for the environment, and you have an instant study group on test days!
Buy yourself some smelly lip balm and dab some under your nose when you need to change a patient's smelly brief. It helps with the gaggy smell. I like this one!


  1. I just happened upon your blog through a pin on Pinterest. I find it very helpful and interesting. I start my first semester of nursing school on August 19th. I've read through all your post for tips and helpful info. Anymore would be greatly appreciated :)

  2. Hi Erin! Thank you so much for the comments. Congrats on starting nursing school!

    I am working on a couple more posts. But in the mean time, my Twitter account has quite a few tips too. If you search under #AdviceForBabyNursingStudents, you'll find lots of info. =)

  3. Hi Rambling SN
    I just finished nursing school. The tip about flesh colored underwear and bras is excellent. If you get to choose your scrubs try and avoid white or light colored bottoms they are almost always see through. One girl in my class had light pink scrub pants and zebra patterned underwear that we could see through her pants. The only things I would add is find something that makes you laugh, when you are having really heavy both academically and emotionally it really helps and get enough sleep. Good luck! It isn't easy but it is worth it.
